“Be a Neighbor, Be a Light”

The Collective Foundation is a non-profit foundation of Nexus Coffee & Creative that exists to be a bridge to our local charities and non profit organizations. Our pillar of community is rooted in giving back to others, being an avenue to educate and support by fundraising.

Our goal is to financially support organizations in the community, allow partners to advertise what they do through using our reach, offer our space as a meeting place for partners to use, and be an advocate for those who need a platform and have a voice to be heard.

We are partnering with the UrbanPromise Arkansas from April-June!

Partial proceeds from our Lighthouse Espresso Blend coffee bags branded with their logo will be donated to UrbanPromise Arkansas through June of this year.

We are proud to partner with this local organization doing amazing work in our coummunity.

About UrbanPromise Arkansas

The vision of UrbanPromise Arkansas is to be a community in Christ of servant leadership and transformation, seeking a full life for all involved: urban youth, families, volunteers, and staff in the neighborhoods of our cities.  Our mission is to equip children and young adults through Christ with the skills necessary for academic achievement, life management, spiritual growth, and servant leadership.

UrbanPromise began in Camden, NJ as a place for at-risk children and teens to receive academic, spiritual, and personal support. Since then, the model has spread to Wilmington, DE, Toronto, Miami, Malawi, Honduras, and other cities. 

UrbanPromise Arkansas began in May 2016 with Camp Freedom, a summer camp and after-school program, for 1st-5th graders in the Baring Cross neighborhood of North Little Rock.  In June 2018, a middle school summer camp, Camp Joy, was launched. 

Each year, we employ 12-14 high school students from our neighborhood as StreetLeaders.  StreetLeaders serve as camp counselors, teachers, and role models for their younger peers. 

Our summer camps include Bible, Recreation, Zany Brainy, and Fine Arts classes taught by summer interns.  Our StreetLeaders lead clubs such as dance, basketball, cooking, and chess. 

To learn more or find out how to volunteer, visit their official website below!